Blue Is the Warmest Color

The confusion in her eyes, the repression and the fear in her gaze, the eternal thirst of passion in her lips, the melancholic heartbreak and the fiery times of love… There were times in our adolescence, when we wanted to cry out, when we wanted to deny establishment, when we wanted to confess or just shout it out declaring who we really are. Do we really need to categorize our love or the desires of our soul? Wasn’t there the moment when you wanted to hold that girl from your classroom or the boy from the playground so tightly, so tenderly that the butterfly might not break it’s colorful wing ? Haven’t you ever concealed the drops of tear from the crowd around you ? I know you did, I know you do!

This is- our lives- and we have the key to paint our soul with any colors we like- let it be blue, black or red… the song remains the same; -the song of freedom,the song of of love, of truth, of beauty in its simplest form. Life is a requiem- requiem for a dream ! Let’s make the dream real while we are alive. Let the starry night carry us far away from this facade of coping up and maintaining fake dignity in this judgemental society. Let us rebel and let us find the warmth, the deepest warmth a person could ever get.



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